It's PROFILER that say as it is

If you are closer enough to someone, then you need to find out whether there is mutual relationship in between you and your friend.

We could check whether you are supported by someone closer to you more than you do to them or vice versa (see symbol "+" on the image below marked with arrow). Further you can find out to improve balance in between both of you or for them.

In a short, you can find out whether you will give more than you will get or you will get more than you give (to your partner).

For example, let us see the image. "Drew" has positif mark "+" while Jean has no positif mark. This means "Jean" will give (sacrifice for) "Drew" more than "Jean" could get from "Drew". IN OTHER WORDS = "Drew" will get more than "Drew" give to "Jean".
  • In this case "Drew" has more benefit on the relationship with "Jean". It's imbalance relationship.
  • BUT, somehow, if "Drew" (with positif mark) having no luck with "Jean", then definitely "Jean" having serious trouble on her life beyond "Drew" could handle (unless "Drew" having great patience)
If both having the same positif mark "+" then both having mutual beneficial relationship. OR if there is no positif mark "+" on them, then both having strong intention to struggle for one to another.

Only for $3 then fill this form, pay with paypal, and see it for yourself.


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